.. _finding-your-groove: Finding your groove ------------------- One. Two. Three. Four. Four basic steps to get started as a CPython contributor: * Commit * Jump into it * Find your rhythm * Improvise `Finding your groove: Contributing to CPython and beyond`_ PyCon 2015 Talk by Carol Willing to inspire you as a contributor `Slide deck`_ .. _`Finding your groove: Contributing to CPython and beyond`: https://youtu.be/szeo1XgmuEk .. _`Slide deck`: http://www.slideshare.net/willingc/finding-your-groove `Python Contributor Playlist`_ Some music to inspire you as you contribute to the Python community .. _`Python Contributor Playlist`: https://open.spotify.com/user/12142510943/playlist/5lq2xOoWWebfsBZOqQIwjv